the_thinkerAs noted yesterday, Pitchfork has started their countdown to the number one album of the 2000’s. Some have asked for my predictions on who will be on which album will receive the top honors. It’s always fun to poke at Pitchfork’s brain and to predict what they will do. I actually sometimes am very accurate at guessing their rankings for new albums. Anyways, this is a list of albums that I predict that Pitchfork will have as their top 10.

This list is in no particular order,  and will only include albums released from 2000-2008, as there have been no 2009 albums on the list so far. My guess is that they are saving these for their annual Top 50 Albums list in December. So, without further ado, get your betting pencils ready and we’ll see how right or wrong I am come Friday.

Radiohead: Kid A

Interpol: Turn on the Bright Lights

Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

Arcade Fire: Funeral

The Avalanches: Since I Left You

Sufjan Stevens: Illinoise

LCD Soundsystem: Sound of Silver

The Strokes: Is This It

Animal Collective: Feels

Outkast: Stankonia

I will probably be wrong on several of these, but let me know what you think. All of these are great albums, regardless their finishing spot.